Global PrEP Learning Network
Presentations from PrEP Experts
The Global PrEP Learning Network, hosted by MOSAIC, provides national and sub-national ministries, implementing partners, community-based organizations (CBOs), and others with the tools and resources, best practices, and opportunities to learn from others to help to advance PrEP scale-up around the world. Prior to February 2022, the Global PrEP Learning Network was hosted by CHOICE, OPTIONS, EpiC and RISE.
This webinar series features presentations from experts in specific PrEP content areas, lessons learned and insights from implementing partners and government ministries, and perspectives from PrEP users. The series is also a forum for sharing new tools and the latest evidence on specific topics related to PrEP scale-up, ranging from demand creation to continuation.
MOSAIC also collaborates with WHO and UNAIDS to conceptualize, plan, and deliver a schedule of timely webinars on the most salient PrEP-related topics for our audiences. See here for information on WHO’s Global HIV Prevention Coalition Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Webinar Series and stay tuned for announcements on upcoming events.
See below for information on past and future PrEP webinars, and sign up here to receive updates, invitations, and helpful resources.
Upcoming Webinars
Previous Webinars
- Leading the Way: Early learnings from CAB for PrEP introduction in Zambia and Zimbabwe
Wednesday, 26 June, 2024- 1pm- 2pm GMT
Programmatic rollout of long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB for PrEP) has launched in Zambia and Zimbabwe! Recommended by the World Health Organization as a safe and effective HIV prevention method in 2022, these two countries are now the first in Africa to incorporate this new, long-awaited PrEP product into their national HIV prevention programs. In the short time that local partners have been delivering CAB for PrEP in Zambia and Zimbabwe, they have gained important insights into what it takes to prepare for and successfully integrate CAB for PrEP as an additional HIV prevention option. In this webinar, Ministry of Health leaders and partners from Zambia and Zimbabwe will reflect on their early implementation experience and share critical learnings for other countries poised to introduce CAB for PrEP this year.
Slides / Recording
- Building a Brand for PrEP: Positioning PrEP in the Hearts and Minds of Young People
Thursday, 14 March, 2024- 12pm- 1pm GMT
With choice of PrEP products on the horizon – including oral PrEP, the PrEP ring, and injectable cabotegravir for PrEP (CAB PrEP) – PrEP marketing and demand generation must evolve with the availability of new PrEP products. Young people, in particular, need PrEP demand generation campaigns tailored to their needs and aspirations. In this webinar, we will hear from teams working to change the landscape of PrEP marketing by applying private sector approaches to brand the PrEP category. We will also hear how they are developing fresh, dynamic, and evidence-informed campaigns to increase PrEP awareness and encourage PrEP use among young people in Africa.
Slides / Recording
- New Data, New Opportunities: The expanding evidence base for the PrEP ring
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Three MTN studies – REACH, DELIVER, and B-PROTECTED – recently published critical new data on PrEP ring use among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), pregnant individuals, and breastfeeding individuals in Africa. All studies offer compelling evidence that the ring is safe for use among these populations. Moreover, the REACH study is the first to examine what happens when AGYW are offered a choice of PrEP products – the ring or oral PrEP – to meet their needs and preferences. In this webinar, we’ll learn more about the results of these three studies and what they mean for national PrEP policies and programs in Africa.
Slides / Recording
- Beyond Engagement: Bringing the Power of Young People to PrEP Research and Programs
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Expanding access to and uptake of PrEP products among young people, especially adolescent girls and young women, will be key to ending the HIV epidemic. But how do we ensure HIV prevention efforts resonate with and are effective for young millennials and Gen Z? What does meaningful youth engagement in PrEP delivery really mean? In this webinar, we will hear from young people at the forefront of HIV prevention research, advocacy, and programs in East and Southern Africa and the United States. Representatives from MOSAIC’s NextGen Squad and the Chicago-based PrEP4Teens project will describe how they are contributing to PrEP projects in their communities and share promising practices for harnessing the power of young people to shape HIV prevention efforts intended for them.
Slides / Recording / Notes
- The Future of PrEP: Implementation studies to guide the rollout of new PrEP products
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
As new PrEP products move out of clinical trials and toward market entry, implementation research has a pivotal role to play in guiding the introduction and scale-up of these new products in real-world service delivery settings. In this webinar, we will hear from the investigators of new implementation studies offering choice of PrEP products, including oral PrEP, injectable cabotegravir, and the dapivirine vaginal ring. Presenters will discuss their study designs and PrEP choice interventions, and webinar attendees will learn how these groundbreaking studies spanning diverse geographies and priority populations will generate critical evidence and lessons for HIV prevention efforts across the globe.
Slides / Recording
- Championing Choice in a Multi-product HIV Prevention Market
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Individuals who need and want PrEP may soon have multiple options for the first time since oral PrEP was introduced in 2012. New products, including the dapivirine vaginal ring and injectable cabotegravir, have been approved in several countries, and more biomedical prevention products are in development. As the catalog of HIV prevention products expands, so too does the conversation about the importance of upholding choice to optimize the benefits for potential PrEP users. In this webinar, we will take a look at the PrEP product pipeline, discuss the role of choice in HIV prevention, and explore what it will take to put choice into practice throughout the health system.
Slides / Recording / Key Takeaways
- Parents, Partners, and Peers: The role of influencers in adolescent girls’ and young women’s PrEP use
Thursday, December 8, 2022
We know that adolescent girls and young women live complex lives full of important relationships that shape the decisions they make. Yet too often efforts to generate demand for PrEP fail to reach beyond the individual user to her support system—those trusted people in her life who she leans on when making important choices. But demand generation for PrEP is evolving. In this webinar, we will review the evidence behind the influence of parents, partners, and peers on adolescent girls’ and young women’s decisions and practices related to PrEP use. In a deep dive discussion with intervention designers, we will explore promising interventions for increasing support for PrEP use from these influencers and learn about recent efforts to integrate them into national PrEP demand generation strategies.
Slides / Recording / Key Takeaways
- Are We There Yet? Progress and Pitfalls with Scaling Up PrEP Delivery
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Since oral PrEP was first approved for use in 2012, dozens of countries have approved the product and use is expanding. But the pace of scale-up has been slower than expected and PrEP remains out of reach for many who may benefit from it. In this webinar, scientists, policymakers, and funders will tackle difficult questions such as: What will it take to effectively scale up access to existing and emerging PrEP products? What is preventing PrEP scale-up from happening now? And, what is required to transition from PrEP demonstration projects and early introduction efforts to integration within a comprehensive national HIV prevention response? The session will also explore how new guidance from the World Health Organization on simplified and differentiated delivery of PrEP can facilitate more widespread uptake of PrEP.
Slides / Recording / Key Takeaways
- She Decides: Supporting PrEP decision-making among adolescent girls and young women in a multi-product PrEP market
Thursday, June 2, 2022
As we move toward a multi-product HIV prevention market, adolescent girls and young women must be empowered to choose an HIV prevention product that meets their needs. In this webinar, we provided an update on the current market status of oral PrEP, PrEP ring, and injectable PrEP, and explored what “choice” means in the context of HIV prevention. We oriented participants to new tools designed to support client decision-making about PrEP use, and heard directly from youth advocates about what they need to make informed choices about HIV prevention.
Slides / Recording / Key Takeaways
- MOSAIC PrEP Learning Network Kick-off: An Exploration of CAB PrEP
Thursday, February 24, 2022
In this webinar, we introduced our audience to the newly launched MOSAIC project and oriented attendees to the scope of this webinar series. We explored ongoing and completed research on CAB PrEP, learned more about the recently released FDA guidance and heard from a panel of implementers and policymakers on what’s needed to advance introduction of this new HIV prevention product. This webinar is part of the global PrEP Learning Network webinar series, now hosted by the USAID/PEPFAR-supported MOSAIC project.
Slides / Recording / Key Takeaways
- UNAIDS Global HIV Prevention Coalition: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Webinar
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Representatives from WHO, UNAIDS, and Avenir Health shared tools available for PrEP implementation planning, including target setting using PrEP-it 2.0.
- Updated WHO Guidance on Laboratory Monitoring for PrEP and the GEMS Project’s HIV Drug Resistance Monitoring
Thursday, September 30, 2021
In this session, the WHO provided updates from the new Consolidated HIV Guidelines on laboratory monitoring and testing for oral PrEP, particularly relating to kidney function, and the GEMS project team discussed the risk of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) in individuals who seroconvert while using PrEP. Presenters from the GEMS project explained how national-level HIVDR monitoring has been conducted in partnership with Ministries of Health. We reviewed examples of job aids and other resources we developed and described the process of training sites, collecting and testing samples, and data evaluation and dissemination.
Recording / Slides (English) / Slides (French) / Resource Sheet
- WHO Global PrEP Network: Integrating STIs and PrEP for comprehensive, client centred sexual health services
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
A stellar list of experts from Guyana, India, South Africa and UK explored the importance, opportunities and barriers related to integrating sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) — highlighting program, clinician and community perspectives.
- WHO Global PrEP Network: Get PrEP Done! Strategies for raising awareness, acceptability, uptake and effective use of PrEP
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
A stellar list of speakers from Brazil, Morocco, Philippines, Thailand and Zambia provided an overview of good practice for civil society-led campaigns and explore successful promotions to improve PrEP programs and support acceptability, awareness, uptake and effective use of PrEP among their communities.
- Reframing PrEP Continuation: Highlights from the PMM-Jhpiego-USAID Think Tank on Prevention Effective Use of PrEP
Thursday, May 27, 2021
In this discussion, we heard the latest discussions on how effective PrEP use can be best defined, measured and promoted. Learnings from diverse stakeholders were shared, including a report back from the latest in the series of PrEP Effective Use Think Tanks (September 29, 2020) from the PMM-Jhpiego-USAID.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Developing Guidelines and Plans for the Delivery of Event-Driven PrEP
Thursday, March 25, 2021
This session focused on event-driven oral PrEP. Gaston Djomand (CDC) and Chris Obermeyer (USAID) provided an overview of this PrEP regimen—what it is, who it’s for, effective use, advantages and disadvantages, and policy and programmatic considerations for implementation, and implementation resources. In addition, Greg Carl (Institute of HIV Research and Innovations) shared EpiC’s ED-PrEP rollout experience in Thailand.
Recording / Slides (English) / Slides (French) / Resource Sheet
- PrEP Delivery Strategies and Universal Access to PrEP: Findings from the POWER and SEARCH Studies
Thursday, February 25, 2021
We heard from the research teams from the POWER and SEARCH studies on the specific PrEP service delivery models used, end user motivators and barriers to use, lessons learned and the programmatic implications for these findings. The SEARCH study examined 16 communities in rural Kenya and Uganda, which offered universal access and an inclusive approach to PrEP for those at increased risk of HIV. The delivery model included same-day PrEP start on-site during community testing at health fairs and a flexible care delivery model that included follow-up visits at clinic or community-based sites. The POWER project took place in South Africa and Kenya and developed piloted scalable PrEP adherence support and delivery strategies to meet women’s needs for prevention that are integrated with already established programs.
Slides / Recording / Resource Sheeet
- Re-thinking the Use of Risk Assessment Tools for PrEP
Thursday, January 21, 2021
In this webinar, we discussed the background and challenges associated with using risk assessments to determine PrEP readiness. A representative from the World Health Organization shared their approach and intention behind ‘risk screening’ and raised implementation considerations from a global perspective. Implementation challenges with risk assessment tools were highlighted by Pangaea Zimbabwe AIDS Trust, with experience shared from a recent implementation study that examined the cascade between HIV testing and PrEP uptake. Finally, panelists from several other countries provided their perspective on possible solutions to the current risk assessment challenges and how these tools can be best used to engage in conversations around PrEP readiness and continuation.
Slides / Recording / Resource Sheet
- PrEP, Relationship Dynamics, and Intimate Partner Violence: Findings and Tools from the CHARISMA Project
Thursday, November 19, 2020
The USAID- and PEPFAR-funded CHARISMA project recently completed a randomized controlled trial with women using oral PrEP in South Africa to assess the effectiveness of the CHARISMA empowerment counseling intervention on improving PrEP adherence and relationship dynamics such as partner communication and support, PrEP disclosure, and IPV reduction. In this webinar, we heard the results of the RCT and learned more about the upcoming release of the CHARISMA intervention toolkit.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- PrEP for AGYW: Experiences from DREAMS programs
Thursday, October 22, 2020
In this webinar, we learned more about current innovations to increase access, uptake and continuation of PrEP amongst adolescent girls and young women. Presenters from DREAMS programs around the region shared current successes, challenges and scale-up plans to reach this population.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Next Generation HIV Prevention: The Dapivirine Vaginal Ring
Thursday, September 24, 2020
In this webinar, we focused on the dapivirine vaginal ring, which recently received a positive scientific opinion from the European Medicines Agency and is now under review by the World Health Organization as a potential new HIV prevention option for women. Hear an overview of the dapivirine vaginal ring and the regulatory process, a framework for ring introduction as part of combination prevention, and national considerations for introduction in Zimbabwe and Kenya.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Expanding Access to PrEP through Community-based Delivery
Thursday, August 27, 2020
In this webinar, we heard how implementing partners in South Africa and Eswatini are using community-based methods to deliver ART and PrEP to priority populations. These models include ATM-style drug distribution systems, a courier pharmacy, use of smart locker collection points, and mobile outreach for hard to reach areas. This webinar featured presentations from Right to Care in South Africa and The Luke Commission in Eswatini.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Stigma and PrEP Rollout
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Research shows that stigma is an important barrier to the uptake of most services along the HIV prevention cascade, including PrEP. In this webinar, we heard about evidence-based approaches to address provider-level stigma, so clients feel comfortable and supported when accessing PrEP services. We’ll also heard how Kenya has tried to de-stigmatize PrEP use by positioning it as an HIV prevention option “for all.”
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Going Virtual for Provider PrEP Training
Thursday, June 25, 2020
In this webinar, we heard from Jhpiego, JSI and Wits RHI on how PrEP training for health care providers is being delivered in Nigeria and South Africa. AIDS Free in Nigeria has recently launched a virtual training that focuses on self-study of the online WHO clinical training coupled with group webinars to discuss Nigeria-specific considerations. South Africa has transitioned their national Clinical Management of oral PrEP face-2-face training to a virtual platform and has trained over 2,000 providers to date using this methodology. We learned more about considerations for virtual trainings, the specific approaches used in each of these countries, as well as lessons learned and how these methodologies can be applied elsewhere.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Going Virtual with PrEP Service Delivery
Thursday, May 28, 2020
In this webinar, we heard from FHI 360, PATH and the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre on how their projects in Thailand, Vietnam, Kenya and Eswatini are using virtual platforms to support PrEP and antiretroviral therapy delivery. These programs have had virtual and online elements established for some time, which are even more important now in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We heard about how to support new and continued use of PrEP, carry out laboratory testing and provide remote case management through virtual technologies and innovative adaptations.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- PrEP Delivery in the Context of COVID-19
Thursday, April 23, 2020
In this webinar, an overview of PEPFAR’s PrEP guidance in the context of COVID-19 was provided, including key considerations for program implementation. PrEP implementers from South Africa, Botswana and Lesotho discussed how they have adapted PrEP service delivery to accommodate social distancing, lockdowns and ensure the safety of health care workers, clients and the community. Experiences, innovations and challenges were shared.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in PrEP Services
Thursday, March 26
In this webinar, USAID gave an overview of their requirements for addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) in PEPFAR-funded PrEP programs. Then, a PrEP implementer in Kenya discussed how they are addressing IPV in PrEP counseling and the CHARISMA project gave a sneak-peak of their intervention addressing relationship dynamics and IPV with women using PrEP. We encouraged all PrEP implementers to attend the webinar and share your experiences, challenges, and needs in terms of effectively integrating IPV screening and response and helping women experiencing violence use PrEP.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- PrEP for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Many countries are still leaving behind two critically important populations for PrEP services: pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. In this webinar, experts discussed new findings from Kenya on PrEP initiation and continuation among pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as delving into the details of a project in Lesotho that is developing new tools and resources to support PrEP service delivery for these populations.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Using Human-Centered Design to Bridge the Disconnect Between Providers and End Users in PrEP Programming
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Technical experts and implementing partners shared human-centered design approaches and collected insights from health care providers and community health workers to strengthen PrEP provision to adolescent girls and young women in South Africa and Zambia.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Setting Targets for PrEP
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Technical experts and policymakers discussed considerations for setting PrEP targets, shared examples of various tools and approaches that can be used for setting targets, and discussed lessons learned from on-the-ground experience with target setting.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Addressing Challenges and Achieving Success Integrating PrEP into Other Health Services
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Implementing partners and technical experts discussed the primary challenges involved with PrEP integration and provided examples of effective strategies learned from ongoing PrEP integration efforts into family planning and STI settings.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- From IPC to Mass Media: Developing a Media Mix for Your PrEP Communications
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Technical experts discussed key considerations in determining the appropriate media mix for PrEP communications, and implementing partners shared examples of tactics used to promote PrEP, including social media and peer navigation programs.Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Demand Creation: Developing an Insights-Driven Strategy
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Implementing partners shared recent behavior change strategies which include human-centered design and mass media approaches.Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- Identifying PrEP Continuation Challenges and Approaches to Support Success
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Implementing partners from Kenya (Jhpiego/Jilinde) and Zimbabwe (PZAT) shared PrEP continuation challenges, successes and approaches, and speakers from Jhpiego and the Prevention Market Manager (PMM) presented findings from a recent Think Tank on defining impact and success in the context of PrEP and discuss key considerations for measuring and monitoring continued/effective use.
Recording / Slides / Resource Sheet
- PrEP Learning Network Launch Session
Thursday, August 22, 2019
During this first webinar session, implementing partners from three countries (Lesotho, Zimbabwe, and South Africa) shared their experiences with PrEP scale-up including current status of scale-up, successes, challenges encountered and key insights learned.
Recording / Slides / OPTIONS Tools and Resources / Resource Sheet